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Swim Mastery Coaching

If you want to learn swimming for the first time, to overcome your fears of the water, to be able to swim more than a few lengths of the pool without getting out of breath, to improve your ironman swim time or your efficiency for a marathon swim, I can help you.

As terrestrial mammals who spend most of their time in an upright position, swimming in a liquid in a horizontal position is completely alien to us.  Our natural instinct when in water is to survive by moving our limbs fast and keeping our head above water to breathe. We tend to assume that pulling and kicking harder will make us go faster. In fact, moving the water around rather than moving through it, as many swimmers tend to do, creates massive amounts of drag and we end up fighting the water rather than working with it.

At Weightless Swimming, I teach every swimmer, from non-swimmers to marathon swimmers, to be completely at ease and 'weightless' in the water. I address breathing in the first lesson with everyone as this is fundamental to mental and physical ease in the water. 


Training as a Swim Mastery Coach has given me additional knowledge of joint mechanics and helped me teach swimmers to use their whole body in a connected way, keeping their joints safe whilst optimising forward movement in the water.  You learn how to shift your body weight forwards, how to connect your limbs to your torso, how to synchronise the movement of multiple body parts, whilst keeping them in alignment and in their natural range of motion. 

If certain bones or joints are put into unnatural positions or are not in alignment, the surrounding or necessary bones and/muscles cannot be accessed to make the right movements. The body then compensates by using other/smaller muscles to do the work which can lead to injury.

In 2024, Tracey Baumann, founder of SwimMastery who trained me as a coach has been interviewed four times by Brenton Ford on the Effortless Swimming podcast. These discussions give you a good insight into the principles of SwimMastery coaching and he may be inviting her back for a fifth time in 2025!

Effortless Swimming podcast #339:

Freestyle Mastery - Practical Tips for Perfecting Your Stroke with Tracey Baumann  (27 June, 2024)

Effortless Swimming podcast #344:

Finding Rhythm and Connection in Your Freestyle with Tracey Baumann (August 1, 2024)

Effortless Swimming podcast #355:

How to Coordinate Your Freestyle Stroke with Tracey Baumann (October 22, 2024)

Effortless Swimming podcast #362:

The Speed Equation with Tracey Baumann (December 19, 2024)

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A swimmer in a streamlined position in the pool
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