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Swim Lessons and Coaching with Video Analysis

Video analysis is an integral part of every swim lesson as it gives the swimmer immediate feedback on their swim movements. 

You will be videoed from both under-water and above-water front and side perspectives to get a comprehensive view and analysis of your stroke. This can instantly be played back on the camera screen.

It is an invaluable tool that helps both the coach and swimmer(s) immediately see what they are already doing well and what improvement opportunities there are to work on. As terrestrial mammals, our proprioceptive skills are not as well honed in the water as on land, so we may think we are moving our limbs in a certain way, and then the video tells a different story..!

Whether you are having a 1-2-1 private lesson or are in a small group of up to 4 swimmers, video analysis will be used at the beginning of every session and at key points where the coach feels it is necessary to show you when you have grasped a new movement pattern, or where you still need to work on a particular movement or mini skill. 

Your videos and summary notes will be posted on a coaching app which you can download onto your phone/tablet.  You can then review your swim lesson and annotated video analysis at home as many times as you like before your next session to remind you what and how to practice. It is hard to remember everything after the session, so these video clips are an excellent aide-mémoire so you can maximise what you learn at each session. This really helps before going to the pool to practice. 

screenshot from a video analysis in the pool

Screenshot from an initial assessment Front Crawl Analysis over-water front view

screenshot of a breaststroke video analysis

Screenshot from an initial assessment Breast Stroke analysis - under-water side view

Online Video Analysis

If you would like your stroke analysed and are unable to find the time or are too far away for a 1:1 coached pool session, you can send a video to Weightless Swimming.  As an experienced swim coach, I will conduct an in-depth analysis with voice-over commentary with drawings as appropriate on your videos. I will also suggest what areas to work on, and a plan of how to do this. 


You can take the videos with a tablet or phone and/or an underwater camera, such as a GoPro.

For a full in-depth analysis, the following camera angles are best:

  • under water side view  

  • under water front view  

  • above water side view 

  • above water front view 


All you need to do is to upload your videos to Dropbox and email the link to: or if taken on a smart phone, send them via WhatsApp.

I will send them back to you within 5 workings days.


One-off video analysis of your stroke


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